Soil constraints and management options for rice production areas in Cagayan, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/02/2021
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Soil constraints and management options for rice production areas in Cagayan, Philippines

Andrea F Dawan, Gerald L Seridon, Ricardo B Casauay
J. Bio. Env. Sci.18( 2), 38-45, February 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted to develop soil constraints and management options for rice areas in Cagayan province, Philippines. Soil samples were taken from sixteen rice production municipalities in the province. Morphological properties of soils were investigated in situ. Samples were analyzed for their chemical and physical properties. Thirteen soil types were identified as Sta Rita clay loam, Toran silt clay, Isabela clay, Bantay clay loam, Buguey loamy sand, Quingua clay loam, San Manuel silt loam, Carig clay loam, Buguey sand, Alaminos silt clay, San Fernando clay, Toran loam, Quingua silt loam. Crop suitability analysis of these soils was done based on the soil characteristics studied per series and known requirements of each crop. Production constraints were identified and management practices recommendations were provided based on the recognized problems per soils series.


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