Soil fertility and rhizobial inoculation perenity in a system maize/bean intercropping

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Research Paper 01/05/2017
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Soil fertility and rhizobial inoculation perenity in a system maize/bean intercropping

Nourelhouda Abed, Abdelhamid Gacemi, Bedj Mimi, Wahid Slimani, Mourad Atif, Abdelhakim Ouzzane, Hocine Irekti, Zineb-Faiza Buokhatem-Benhamadi, Abdelkader Bekki
J. Bio. Env. Sci.10( 5), 57-66, May 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


In the aim to increase knowledge on the beneficial effect of rhizobial inoculation in an intercropping system cereals/legumes, a trial on Phaseolus vulgaris intercropped with Zea mays was conducted. Beans have been inoculated with three strains: S1, affiliated to CIAT 899 and two strains affiliated to R. tropici and R. leguminosarum. The effect of intercropping maize with beans was expressed by a significant improvement in biometric parameters and yield as well as the soil organic matter and total nitrogen. However, the response of beans to inoculation was different from one strain to another, especially in their respective perenity verified by RAPD-PCR. However, in overall, the effect was statistically significant, except the S1-S2-S3 mixinocula, which has brought no significant difference compared to the uninoculated control.These results expresses the interest of rhizobial inoculation in intercropping systems.


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