Soil moisture fluctuation influences AMF root colonization and spore population in tree species planted in degraded entisol soil

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Research Paper 01/09/2018
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Soil moisture fluctuation influences AMF root colonization and spore population in tree species planted in degraded entisol soil

Atul Kumar Bhardwaj, K.K. Chandra
Int. J. Biosci.13( 3), 229-243, September 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi are ubiquitous in soil form symbiotic relation with majority of the plants and pays dividend to host during adverse conditions. As AMF development in soil and in plant roots varies greatly due to changing soil moisture, nutrient and temperature the benefits of symbiosis are also affected. In present investigation soil moisture fluctuation and its influence on AMF root colonization and spore population has been determined to establish the relationship between AMF and soil moisture and temperature. Monthly data on soil moisture AMF root colonization and spore population were recorded from eight tree species plantation of entisol soil, Bilaspur, India by assessing representative samples of root and soil during 2016-17. Result shows that the average annual AMF root colonization ranged 36.94 – 55.83% varied significantly seasonally and monthly at P <0.01. The colonization was highest in T. arjuna and lowest in P. indica, while in case of seasonal variation  the highest colonization found during rainy season (July- August) and lowest during summer season (May month).  Spore population recorded maximum during March – April and minimum in spring season with avg. annual range between 68.13 to 91.12 spore/100g soil. Correlation analysis demonstrated significantly positive relationship with AMF root colonization and soil moisture while negative correlation between spore population and soil moisture. Negative linear equation was also observed between root colonization × spore production, root colonization × temperature and soil moisture × temperature. Soil moisture a key element of rainfall identified as important limiting factor determining AMF development in entisol soil.

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