Soil quality assessment in gulmit and shiskat valley of upper hunza, district Hunza Nagar, Gilgit-Baltistan

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Research Paper 01/10/2015
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Soil quality assessment in gulmit and shiskat valley of upper hunza, district Hunza Nagar, Gilgit-Baltistan

Sultan Ishaq, Farida Begum, Kiramat Hussain, Yawar Abbas, Karamat Ali, Sher Ahmed, Roheela Amir, Rizwan Karim
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 4), 87-95, October 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The study was carried out in Upper Hunza to identify the soil quality assessment in Shiskat and Gulmit village. The examined soil properties were pH, Soil Organic Carbon (SOC), Nitrate-Nitrogen (NO3-N) Electrical Conductivity (EC), Available Phosphorus (P), Exchangeable Potassium (K), Silt, Sand and Clay content (texture). Stratified random sampling was done in Shiskat and Gulmit Valley form top soil 0-15 cm. Total 40 soil samples were collected from both valleys, 20 samples from Gulmit and 20 samples from Shiskat. Soil samples were taken to Laboratory for standard analysis of soil quality parameters. Independent T test was applied to determine the significant difference of soil properties with respect to location wise. Soil parameters like pH, NO3-N, lay, Sand and Silt differed significantly with respect to location, while SOC and P were non-significant according to location wise. Soil chemical properties like SOC and NO3-N was found higher in Shiskat valley, compared to Gulmit it may be because of higher inputs of animal dung and green manure. Continuous assessment and monitoring of soil quality is necessary in this area to maintain the soil quality, which will be beneficial for higher production of yield amount.


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