Solid waste as an environmental hazard; A Case study of Bahawalpur City, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/03/2018
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Solid waste as an environmental hazard; A Case study of Bahawalpur City, Pakistan

Mehtab Ahmed Khan, Ahmed Nawaz, Maryam Khalid, Muhammad Mushahid Anwar, Noor Hussain Chandio, Muhammad Miandad, Humayun Ashraf, Ghani Rahman, Umayya Zafar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 3), 355-360, March 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Solid waste is becoming threat to urban environment especially in developing countries like Pakistan. The situation is worst particularly in the Capital cities where the population is on higherside. In such cities of developing countries the public sector is unable to deliver services more effectively to protect the environment from illegal dumping of domestic and industrial waste. Moreover limited funds are provided by the Government to the Solid Waste Management sector as result of this the levels of services required for protection of urban environment is not attained. The current study is focuses on the Generation of solid waste in Bahawalpur City and its impact on the urban environment. Primary Data was collected through questionnaire on the basis of random sampling. Results reveals that the most of the solid waste was dumped in land or thrown away in streets which causing serious damages to the health of the inhabitants and urban environment of the City.

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