Spatial and circadian variation of aquatic insect communities in three tropical fish ponds (Natiokobadara, Korhogo, Northern Côte d’Ivoire)

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Research Paper 01/08/2013
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Spatial and circadian variation of aquatic insect communities in three tropical fish ponds (Natiokobadara, Korhogo, Northern Côte d’Ivoire)


We analysed aquatic insect distribution and their circadian variation in tropical fish ponds in a piscicultural farm used for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) culture near Natiokobadara locality in the Northern Côte d’Ivoire. Among ponds of this farm, three were selected: a pond (D4) without fish, a pond (A3) stocking with 7500 fingerlings and pond (T12) of reproducers containing 680 parents. In each pond, aquatic insect samplings were undertaken every 04 hours during 24 hours in the three selected fish ponds during two cycles. Besides, ordinary samplings were done during the sampling period (July-August 2001). Overall, 25 taxa belonging to 15 families and seven orders were recorded. The pond without fish (D4) contained the higher aquatic insect richness. Heteropterans and dipterans were the mostly abundant and diverse groups. Their predominance was due to respectively Anisops sardea and Chaoborus anomalus. According the circadian variation of these two main taxa, it is likely that assemblages of these two main taxa are rather shaped by biotic factors such competition. The circadian variation of all aquatic insects collected showed that the maximum of insects was registered in daytime in the pond without fish (D4) whereas in the two others ponds (A3, T12) containing fishes the highest abundance of insects was obtained during night. The risk-of-predation hypothesis implies aquatic insects in ponds containing fish exhibit predominately during night.


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