Spatial and seasonal variations in rainfall and temperature across Nigeria

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Research Paper 01/02/2021
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Spatial and seasonal variations in rainfall and temperature across Nigeria

Ndakara Ofudjaye Emmanuel, Eyefia Oghenerukevwe Alexander
J. Bio. Env. Sci.18( 2), 79-92, February 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


This research investigated spatial and seasonal variations in the rainfall and temperature in Nigeria. The study utilised the ex-post facto research design, on the existing 8 climatic zones in Nigeria. Archival data on rainfall and temperature from 1901 to 2017 used for this study were got from Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia, via Google Earth Version 7.3.2, using 5° x 5° high-resolution gridded CRUTEM 4.03. Statistical analyses of data were carried out using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Mann-Kendall tests. Results indicate that significant differences exist in: rainfall within Nigerian states as determined by ANOVA test at F (35, 4176) = 1596.76 and p = 0.000; temperature within Nigerian states as determined by ANOVA test at F (35, 4176) = 310.73 and p = 0.000; seasonal variations in rainfall within Nigerian states as determined by ANOVA test at F (11, 50532) = 7776.36 and p = 0.000; seasonal variations in temperature within Nigerian states as determined by ANOVA test at F (11, 50532) = 4575.79 and p = 0.000; trends of rainfall across Nigeria; and trends of temperature across Nigeria. While rainfall showed increasing trends, temperature trends were alternately increasing and decreasing. Rainfall and temperature vary spatially and seasonally within Nigeria. The environmental regions have their peculiar rainfall and temperature characteristics. Therefore, this study is of significant importance to agricultural production because understanding regional climatic attributes is an essential environmental part for effective agricultural productivity.


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