Spatial and temporal transformation from transhumance to agropastoralism along Maasai steppe, Tanzania

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Research Paper 01/01/2022
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Spatial and temporal transformation from transhumance to agropastoralism along Maasai steppe, Tanzania

Paschal John Seni, Mateso Said, Abiud Kaswamila
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 1), 127-140, January 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Understanding land use/cover changes is one of the key issues in addressing environmental sustainability. This study used time-series satellite images to classify land use/cover changes in three wards in Simanjiro district. Further, random sampling techniques were used to interview communities on the knowledge and impacts of land use changes. The findings show expansion in agricultural land and barren lands by 72.5% and 51.8%, respectively. The results further show that woodland, shrubland grassland decreased by 62.86% and 34.99%, respectively. The major drivers for the observed changes are population increased and which results from immigration, creating high pressure on land resources over the study area, resulting in loss of grazing land and water resources for livestock and domestic use. Other drivers are inadequate land use plans and land trading. The total blockage of the grazing routes due to the expansion of agricultural land may spark conflict between farmers and pastoral groups. Initiatives taken by the pastoral communities include migration to wetland areas, pasture restoration, buying hay, destocking, and keeping resistant breeds. However, the need for modern livestock keeping with small productive herds is proposed in this study. The findings of this study are useful in advancing the strategies towards maintaining a balance between environmental conservation and resource utilization.


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