Spatial patterns of oak species in the Zagrosian forests of Iran

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Research Paper 01/08/2013
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Spatial patterns of oak species in the Zagrosian forests of Iran

M. Khanhasani, R. Akhavan, K.H. Sagheb- Talebi, Z.H. Vardanyan
Int. J. Biosci.3( 8), 66-75, August 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Spatial patterns of trees are important characteristics of forests to analyze canopy replacement, regeneration, forest dynamics and identify biological relationships between species. This study aims to investigate the spatial patterns of oak trees (Quercus) in natural deciduous forests in the Zagrosian region of western Iran. The study was performed in four 2-hectare plots in high-grade oak dominated stands including Q. brantii Lindl., Q. infectoria Oliv. and Q. libani Oliv. tree species. Records were taken for all trees in each plot for diameter at breast height, crown diameter and spatial coordinates. Spatial point patterns were analyzed using Ripley’s K-function. Results showed that Q. brantii, which was the most dominant, or co-dominant species, exhibited clustered distribution in both pure and mixed stands. The spatial pattern of Q. infectoria was clustered in the mixed stands as dominant and co-dominant species. Q. libani showed clustered distribution in all distant scales (m); however, when mixed by Q. infectoria displayed random distribution as a co-dominant species. In general, results showed that Q. brantii which is a widespread tree species in Zagrosian forests of Iran, had effect on spatial distribution of the other oak species. The information derived from these stands could be useful as a key reference for developing management programs, silvicultural interventions, afforestation and reforestation programs as well as conserving and restoring of this forest endangered ecosystems.


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