Spatio-temporal residential land-use changes in District Abbottabad from 1990 to 2018

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Spatio-temporal residential land-use changes in District Abbottabad from 1990 to 2018

Muhammad Miandad, Sajjad Gondal, Aamna Aamir, Sher Muhammad Malik, Ghani Rahman, Humayun Ashraf, Umaya Zafar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.16( 2), 25-38, February 2020.
Certificate: JBES 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Land is one of the most important natural resources because it is a source of materials, all human activities are performed on land by using existing natural resources with the intention to get benefits from the land which is called Land use. Physical and biological cover includes water, vegetation, bare soil, artificial structures over the surface, or the land serves for a specific purpose such as recreation it refers to Land cover but it does not discuss surface cover on the ground. The purpose of the current study is monitoring land use land cover changes in Abbottabad during the period 1990 to 2018. The changes were detected by means of the supervised classification, using ArcGIS. The land classified into four major categories; built-up, barren, water, vegetation area. Resultant land cover land use overlay maps are generated in ArcMap to indicate the significant shift from Vegetation to Settlement. Vegetation area has been also improved due to afforestation through a billion tsunami projects. Therefore, reduction in a barren area, water almost remains stable. Mostly settlement was in the centrality, the barren area was in the east, south, and northeast mostly. The urbanization is causing adverse impacts on the forest area, agricultural land, water bodies, soil fertility; the ruination of vegetal land cover is the reason for the loss of biodiversity and cause human health problems. Therefore, proper land-use management is required; otherwise, this fruitful land will be lost and will no longer be able to play their role in the socio-economic development of the area.


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