Spatiotemporal assessment of the quality of surface water the most polluted in the city

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Research Paper 01/04/2021
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Spatiotemporal assessment of the quality of surface water the most polluted in the city

Fatima-Zahra El Madani, Nisrine Idrissi, Kenza Lahlou, Nouha El Allaoui, Mohamed Ben Abbou, Mohamed Merzouki, MustaphaTaleb, Zakia Rais
J. Bio. Env. Sci.18( 4), 1-10, April 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


In recent years, the quality of Fez city surface water has deteriorated day after day because of the development of various human activities, the thoughtless modernization of the wastewater discharge of unregulated manner and solid waste. This constitutes a real threat to the environment and health of consumers. The objective of this study is to realize a space-time monitoring of parameters assessing the water quality of wadis Tghat and Zhoun in the city of Fez, at a rate of one sample per month for 2017 by the SEQ-SIG approach and by the statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA), after identifying the most polluted. The study of the overall quality of surface waters of both sites S1 and S2 most polluted identified Fez by the SEQ-GIS approach has allowed us to define ten alterations involving physicochemical parameters and faecal coliforms and clean alteration to their metallic charge. She recorded that these waters are endocrine effect loaded with organic pollutants and trace metals and reveals that they are of poor quality. The analysis of variance ANOVA results of the spatiotemporal assessment of the water quality of wadis Tghat and Zhoun says the results of SEQ GIS-based technique alterations definition and calculation of weighted indices, and denotes factor that the site has less influence on each of the parameters analyzed the month factor and the fecal coliforms parameter does not vary significantly with the month.


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