Species composition and diversity in a natural and reforested mangrove forests in Panguil Bay, Mindanao, Philippines

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Species composition and diversity in a natural and reforested mangrove forests in Panguil Bay, Mindanao, Philippines

Psyche Karren Ann S Osing, Manuel Anthony P Jondonero, Peter D Suson, Jaime Q Guihawan, Ruben F Amparado Jr
J. Bio. Env. Sci.15( 3), 88-102, September 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Mangroves are recognized as one of the richest ecosystems worldwide. Despite their importance and the efforts to preserve and protect these ecosystems, threats are still prevalent. Thus, in order to contribute in the preservation and protection of the remaining mangrove ecosystems, this study was conducted with the aim of determining the species composition and diversity of the natural mangrove forest in Barangay Matampay Bucana and the reforested mangrove forest in Barangay Mukas in Panguil Bay. This inventory is a benchmark study to determine the biodiversity of the mangrove species in both sites. It is then implied that any change in species composition and diversity may be attributed to human intervention. Transect-quadrat method was employed in gathering the data. A 100% inventory of mangrove species inside each 10x10m quadrat was done. Species composition data revealed ten true mangrove species and three mangrove associates. It was found that the natural forest hosts eight true mangrove species while the reforested forest have only five true mangrove species but it also host three mangrove associates. There are three species common to the two forests namely; Avicennia alba, Bruguiera parviflora and Rhizophora mucronata. The study also revealed that the reforested forests has slightly higher diversity index than of the natural forests. However, the two forests are classified as very low in diversity index according to categories classified by Fernando (1998). The differences in composition and diversity of each forest were attributed to the type of forests- natural and reforested, and to their geographical location.


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