Species composition, diversity and community structure of mangroves in Barangay Fabio, Tagana-an, Surigao Del Norte, Philippines

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Research Paper 14/02/2023
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Species composition, diversity and community structure of mangroves in Barangay Fabio, Tagana-an, Surigao Del Norte, Philippines

Sheila Marie Y. Plimaco, Genevie P. Pinton, Cesar G. Demayo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 2), 74-82, February 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Mangrove ecosystems serve a crucial environmental role in protecting coastlines from storms, floods, and erosion, and they aid as a breeding ground for many marine life. Mangrove forests are declining due to relentless anthropogenic activities. Thus, the assessment of mangrove species plays a crucial part in the upkeep and protection of the forest. This study aimed to determine species composition, diversity, and community structure of mangrove forests in Barangay. Fabio, Surigao del Norte using the line quadrat method. Results revealed that the area has very low diversity belonging to only three families, three genera, and three different species. Among the three other species, Rhizophora apiculata obtained the highest abundance. Results showed that the area is not diverse in terms of species composition and abundance, as shown by several indices of diversity.


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