Species diversity and aboveground biomass of Mangroves species in the intertidal zone of Magallanes, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

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Research Paper 08/12/2022
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Species diversity and aboveground biomass of Mangroves species in the intertidal zone of Magallanes, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

Princess Mae H. Puzon, Clarice Darryl I. Econar, Roger T. Sarmiento, Catherine Mhae B. Jandug, Roselyn L. Palaso
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 6), 129-135, December 2022.
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Mangrove forests are constantly subjected to unsustainable anthropogenic activities, making them vulnerable to climate change impacts, such as sea-level rise, which inevitably contributes to ecosystem deterioration. This loss adds to the dramatic decline in forest biomass, contributing significantly to the dangerously high atmospheric CO2 levels. Although the Philippines is one of the world’s mangrove-rich countries, little is known about the exact quantity of biomass contained in the coastal flora. This study was undertaken to determine the species diversity and aboveground biomass of natural mangrove stands in Magallanes, Agusan del Norte, the Philippines, as well as their potential for carbon sequestration. Fifteen (10m × 10m) plots were laid, and all mangrove species in the quadrant were identified and measured. The Shannon-Weiner diversity of the community was determined using PAST statistical software, while the aboveground biomass was calculated using a non-destructive method. Result showed that there were 8 mangrove species found in the area. Species diversity was found to fall on a low scale of 2.009. Magallanes’ dominant value is attributed to the presence and quantity of E. agallocha and B. gymnorrhiza. The sampled region had a high evenness value of 0.9399. Aboveground biomass was low and ranged from 1.66 ton/ha to 39.52 tons/ha. Biomass examination revealed that the mangrove vegetation in the area has the potential for carbon sequestration, although it falls short on the diversity scale. It is recommended that the area requires reforestation activities.

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