Species diversity, forest structure and composition of the Mangrove forest in the Sangalang locality, Biliran Island, Philippines

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Research Paper 11/06/2023
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Species diversity, forest structure and composition of the Mangrove forest in the Sangalang locality, Biliran Island, Philippines

Melanie P. Moncada, Ruffy M. Rodrigo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 6), 109-114, June 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Mangrove forests contribute to the diversity, richness and productivity of coastal ecosystems. Unfortunately, these forest types are vulnerable to both human-caused and natural disturbances. In order to learn more about their diversity, structure and composition, and disturbance impact, nine permanent plots were established across three transect lines in Sangalang mangrove forest. The results showed a low species diversity using Shannon index (2.15), with five identified Rhizophora species within the study area. Additionally, the disturbance had no significant effect on the forest’s structure (p < 0.05). Our research will serve as baseline for understanding the status of the mangrove forest and provides valuable insight for potential forest policies that could help protect and preserve these ecologically essential habitats in the island.


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