Species diversity of the odonatofauna of Mts. Pinukis and Gimamaw, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines

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Species diversity of the odonatofauna of Mts. Pinukis and Gimamaw, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines

Cherry Mae M. Yuto, Olga M. Nuñeza, Reagan Joseph T. Villanueva
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 4), 135-146, October 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Odonatais highly sensitive to various changes in the environment which makes it an excellent bioindicatorof environmental health. This study was conducted to assess the species richness of Odonata in Mts. Pinukis and Gimamaw, Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines. Eleven sampling sites were surveyed comprising six sites in Mt. Pinukis and five sites in Mt. Gimamaw. Opportunistic sampling using sweep nets was conductedfor a total of 192 man-hours.Biodiversity indices, cluster analysis, and detrended correspondence analysis were determined using Paleontological Statistics Software Package (PAST) version 2.17b. Thirty-five species were recorded belonging to 25 genera and 10 families with relatively low endemism of 40%.There was a more or less even species distribution. High relative abundance of 18.83% was observed in site 1. Site11 was observed to have the most number ofendemic species. High species diversity was recorded in both Mts. Pinukis and Gimamaw. Detrendedcorrespondence analysis showed that vegetation structure greatly influences habitat preferences of odonata. It appears that human-induced disturbances limit the occurrence and abundance of the Odonata, especially the endemic species.

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