Species richness and endemism of anurans in Bega Watershed, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur, Philippines

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Species richness and endemism of anurans in Bega Watershed, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur, Philippines

Theresse Jel V. Calo, Olga M. Nuñeza
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 3), 1-14, September 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


A pioneering study on the anuran species in Bega Watershed, Barangay Mabuhay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur was conducted using the cruising method to determine the species richness and endemism of the anurans in the area. Thirteen species belonging to six families and 12 genera were recorded. Seven species (54%) are endemic which include a Mindanao Faunal Region endemic, Leptobrachium lumadorum and a Mindanao Island endemic, Megophrys stejnegeri. Among the recorded endemic species, three are of vulnerable status. Highest speciesrichness (R=13) and species diversity (H’=2.147) were recorded in site 1, riparian area of Bega falls. Principal component analysis showed that all sampling sites shared majority of the species but some species are unique to site 1 where type I (arboreal), type II (ground), and type III (aquatic) microhabitats were most abundant. Canopy epiphytes, leaf litter, exposed rocks, and streams with slow moving current were also found to be common in site 1. Bray-Curtis cluster analysis revealed that type II (ground) and type III (aquatic) microhabitats are the most similar with regards to their species composition (BC=0.33). The presence of endemic and vulnerable anuran species in Bega Watershed indicates the need for conservation and protection of this watershed.


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