Spectrophotometric determination of Phosphate in water and sugarcane sample

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Research Paper 01/08/2021
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Spectrophotometric determination of Phosphate in water and sugarcane sample

Nuzhat Arshad, Anjum Ayub, Mahnoor Nafees, Ahmed Abdullah, Zain Sultan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.19( 2), 111-115, August 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


This study is aimed to evaluate the phosphate concentration in parts per million in water and two sugarcane samples from two different Field areas through molybdenum blue phosphorous method in conjugation with UV-Visible spectrometer. Phosphomolybdate complex was formed by the addition of moly date and subsequently reduced with hydrazine hydrate. This obeys Beers-Lamberts law at 840 nm in 0.1-0.7 ppm concentration range. The reagents used are potassium hydrogen phosphate, ammonium moly date and hydrazine sulphate. The amount of phosphate present in water and sugarcane is found to be proportional to the color intensity of reduced phosphomolybdate solution. The phosphate concentration in Malir water sample is 0.427 ppm, in sugar can samples from Chakwal and Larkana district of Pakistan are 0.847 and 0.671 ppm, respectively.

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