Spermatogenesis and path of the spermatophores through the genitalia tracts of Côte D’ivoire brackish waters crab, Callinectes amnicola (Decapoda: Portunidae)

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Spermatogenesis and path of the spermatophores through the genitalia tracts of Côte D’ivoire brackish waters crab, Callinectes amnicola (Decapoda: Portunidae)

D’Almeida Marie-Anne
Int. J. Biosci.11( 6), 75-88, December 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The present study aims to investigate spermatogenesis in Callinectes amnicola. Macroscopic observations indicate 7 stages in male sexual maturity. The testes are subdivided into lobes and numerous seminiferous lobules. Investigations with electron microscope after cytological treatment allowed following the different stages of spermatogenesis. Spermatogenesis comprises the sequence of events by which spermatogonium is transformed into spermatozoon. In the juvenile immature crabs, all the seminiferous lobules are occupied by spermatogonia that divide mitotically, proliferate to provide more spermatogonia. They become cluster of primary spermatocytes which enter in meiotic phase. Secondary spermatocytes are formed at the end of first meiotic division and spermatids result at the end of second meiotic division. The spermatid in maturing male is constituted by an electron dense nucleus and a large amount of cytoplasm bounded by a plasma membrane and contains Golgi apparatus, mitochondria and two centrioles. Spermatids during spermiogenesis undergo cytological transformations leading to the formation of aflagellate and immotile spermatozoa in mature male. These spermatozoa are packed up in the spermatophores at the level of the anterior vas deferens. Macroscopic, histological and cytological investigations through the vasa deferentia of the adult males and spermathecas of adult females allowed following the path of the spermatophores.


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