Stages in the life of a mine and their environmental impacts

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Research Paper 01/12/2020
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Stages in the life of a mine and their environmental impacts

Girishika Singla
Int. J. Biosci.17( 6), 497-506, December 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Mining industry provides economic boost to a nation and is an indispensable activity. It generates employment and help to builds infrastructure which provides an impetus for the improvement of standard of living of the people. Mining adversely impacts the ecology and biodiversity by altering air, water and soil in and around the mine site and it is ironical that this activity cannot be carried out without any negative impact on the environment. The paper seeks to identify the adverse environmental impacts associated with individual stages of the mining activity. Since mining activity is intrinsically harmful, therefore there is need to develop and implement practical ways to protect the environment.


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