Statistical analysis for the assessment of water treatment parameters by three macrophytes identified

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Research Paper 01/12/2012
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Statistical analysis for the assessment of water treatment parameters by three macrophytes identified

Nadine Maryse Kpondjo, Youssouf Abou, Martin Pépin AINA, Schadrac Agbla, Flora Adjahatodé, Dominique Sohounhloue
Int. J. Biosci.2( 12), 65-74, December 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


The lagooning floating process is an extensive treatment of wastewater. The study conducted on the campus of Abomey for phytopurification had the ambition to estimate models of evolution of the monitoring parameters: temperature, electrical conductivity, redox potential, hydrogen potential, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, after introduction of floating species Eichhornia crassipes Mart. Solms-Laub. (Water hyacinth), Pistia stratiotes L. (Water lettuce) and Lemna minor L. (Duckweed) in domestic effluents. After sampling day, the monitoring parameters of the operation were measured in accordance with European standards and AFNOR. The models estimated in Stata 11 were generally significant (p < 0.05) and showed that the three floating macrophytes induce physico-chemical reactions in their respective areas by impacting the elevation of part of the EH, the dissolved oxygen and on the other hand, the decrease in electrical conductivity and turbidity. Hyacinth was varied from 4.39 mV EH and average electrical conductivity of water an average of 13.85. These results were predictive performance of certain purification plants, but primarily of water hyacinth with efficiencies of COD and BOD5 and TKN by 70%, 52.8%, 78.3%, followed by lettuce ‘ water that contributes to the elimination of nitrate nitrogen with an allowance of 27% and finally the duckweed. This study allows to optimally exploit the potential of scavenging agents mentioned, offering several channels of mixed floating macrophyte lagoons.


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