Status and wintering time budget of Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) at El Eulma wetland complex Northeast Algeria

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Status and wintering time budget of Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) at El Eulma wetland complex Northeast Algeria

Baaziz Nasser, Bouchibi Baaziz Nacéra, Touati Laid
Int. J. Biosci.10( 5), 239-249, May 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was conducted for three consecutive years 2007-2010 to study the ecologic status of Anas platyrhynchos and the diurnal behavior for the winter season 2009-2010 at El Eulma wetlands complex northeast Algeria. Half monthly counts depicted the phenology of Mallard where the first winter visitors arrive in early September, reach a large size between late September and early October, disperse in mid-winter and occupy the sites during breeding season till early summer. Mallard population frequenting mainly S. Bazer (Ramsar Site) exhibited stability through the three- year period observations and had a high attraction to this site. Monitoring diurnal activity time budget using scan sampling method every half-hour for eight hours during the wintering season displays that the dominant behaviours are sleeping and resting that account for 85.18% and 4.23%, respectively of mean percentage time spent. Whereas, Feeding accounts for only 3%; comfort activities account for less than 5 %. Moreover, Mallard shows a great flexibility in foraging methods with dominance of dabbling (59%) followed by surface feeding (24%) and finally grazing on the shores (17%). Thus, the results suggest that El Eulma wetlands complex is one of the main wintering quarters in Algeria for Mallard and S. Bazer is used as daylight roost area.


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