Status of Fusarium wilt disease and plant parasitic nematode on banana in Northern and Southern highlands of Tanzania

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Research Paper 01/04/2018
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Status of Fusarium wilt disease and plant parasitic nematode on banana in Northern and Southern highlands of Tanzania

Hassan Shabani Mduma, Patrick Ndakidemi, Ernest Mbega
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 4), 194-202, April 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


A study to examine the status of Fusarium wilt disease and plant parasitic nematode on banana in Northern and Southern highlands of Tanzania was conducted in January 2017 at Meru District in Arusha and Rungwe District in Mbeya region Tanzania. Forty eight farms in twelve villages were scored for Fusarium incidence, severity and nematode damage using scale of 1-5 for severity of Fusarium wilt disease and a scale of 1-5 for nematode root damage (in percentage). Incidence of Fusarium wilt was expressed as the percentage of diseased plants in every field under study. The results indicated that the severity of Fusarium wilt disease was at highest score (72%) at Singisi in Meru District while the lowest score (25.83%) obtained at Mpuguso ward in Rungwe District. The highest incidence (11.48%) was found to be at Nkoaranga ward followed by Akheri (8.95%) in Meru District while the lowest incidence (0.83%) were found at Mpuguso in Rungwe District. Highest score for nematode damage (37.5%) was found at Kimo ward in Rungwe District while the lowest score (17.5%) was observed at Lufingo ward in Rungwe District. The current study shows that Fusarium wilt incidence and severity is high in Meru District while nematode damage is high in Rungwe District.


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