Status of soil chemical properties in the monoculture plots of exotic and indigenous tree species in Sakhipur upazila of Tangail district, Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/08/2021
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Status of soil chemical properties in the monoculture plots of exotic and indigenous tree species in Sakhipur upazila of Tangail district, Bangladesh

Md. Mijanur Rahman, Saleh Ahammad Khan, Gazi Mosharof Hossain
J. Bio. Env. Sci.19( 2), 1-12, August 2021.
Certificate: JBES 2021 [Generate Certificate]


This study has assessed the status of soil chemical properties and its probable impacts of the monoculture of exotic species Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. in comparison to the plantation of indigenous species Shorea robusta Roxb ex. Gaertn and Mangifera indica L. in twelve research plots in Sal forest area of Sakhipur area of Tangail district. Soil properties pH, N, P and K of Acacia-, Eucalyptus-, Shorea– and Mangifera plots were significantly different except in case of OC. The monoculture of exotic species Acacia and Eucalyptus might have significant impacts on pH, N, P and K of the soil of the study area, but they do not have any influence on OC. The influence of all of the soil chemical properties studied was not prominent on vegetation dynamics of the study area. Soils of all plots were found to be acidic in nature and this result was in the general agreement that Shorea forest occurs mainly in acidic soil, nevertheless Acacia also grows well in acidic soils. It seems that, clear felling, fuel wood collection, leaf litter collection, grazing, firing and making pathways for the walking by the local people etc. were recognized as soil degrading factors. Indigenous Sal forest conservation and mixed species tree plantation should be conducted which may improve soil health in the study area.


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