Status of the behavioral pattern of biochemical properties of  banana in the storage condition

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Status of the behavioral pattern of biochemical properties of  banana in the storage condition

Khandker Abdul Hakim, Md. Khairul Islam, Md. Ibrahim, Md. Jamal Hossain, Nure Anjuman Ara, Kazi Md. Faisal Haque
Int. J. Biosci.2( 8), 83-94, Augusht 2012.
Certificate: IJB 2012 [Generate Certificate]


A comparative study of two banana cultivars cv. Sabri and Amritasagor were performed upon the changing of biochemical components with different post harvest treatments at different storage periods as well as ripening period. The cultivars were treated with different chemicals and packed in polyethylene bags with ventilation and stored at cold storage (20 ± 20C). Changes in storage characteristics were recorded at 3 days intervals till the condition of fruit turned to rejectable stage. For chemical analysis, pulp of each sample was ground in grinder (mixer). Known amount of these samples were weighed for determining titratable acids, vitamin C, total sugar, reducing sugar and non reducing sugar. Titratable acidity of banana fruit decreased as storage period increased. The maximum titratable acidity was noticed from GA3 using 400 ppm at 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th days of storage. Vitamin C content of banana pulp gradually decreased in both varieties with the passing of storage period but the decreasing trend was found to be higher in Amritasagor than Sabri. The reducing sugar contents exhibited an increasing trend in both the varieties during storage but Amritasagor produced it more quantities than Sabri. The Sabri variety is better in terms of biochemical components and GA3 using 400 ppm showed better performance in retardation of ripening processes than other treatments. These results will be beneficial for any commercial producers or marginal farmers who want to preserve the mentioned two banana cultivars for a time.

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