Strategic development of nature tourism based on plant species at the mahawu mountainous region, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

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Research Paper 01/11/2014
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Strategic development of nature tourism based on plant species at the mahawu mountainous region, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Regina R. Butarbutar, Mangku Purnomo, Luchman Hakim, Ika Rochdjatun S., Soemarno
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 5), 241-252, November 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


This study aims to formulate the development strategy of the Mahawu mountain nature tourism based on the plants species in the Tomohon district, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Field survey and observations involved the incidental purposive sampling. Number of tourist respondent was 100 people. Data and informations were collected through the questionnaire-based interviews. Data analysis used the Likert scale scoring and it is interpreted descriptively. The SWOT analysis was conducted to obtain the priority development strategy. Results show that total score of internal factors in the IFAS matrix is 2,532 and total score of external factors in the EFAS matrix is 2,626. The recommended development strategy is the SO (Strength-Opportunity) strategy with the total score is 3.132. This development strategy is classified as the Progressive Growth Strategy, i.e. conserving and improving the plant biodiversity that has a high ecotourism value, optimizing the plant biodiversity as a learning materials for students, visitors and researchers, optimizing the attractiveness values of the natural crater at the top of Mahawu Mountain and diversifying field activities in tree planting for tourists.


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