Strategies empowerment of simpang empat farmers through horticultural development program (Case of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program of PT Kadya Caraka Mulya (PT KCM)

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Research Paper 01/08/2018
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Strategies empowerment of simpang empat farmers through horticultural development program (Case of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program of PT Kadya Caraka Mulya (PT KCM)

Lily Hidayat, Andi Tenri Sompa, Muhammad Anshar Nur, Taufik Hidayat
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.13( 2), 155-163, August 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


PT. Kadya Caraka Mulya (KCM) as an natural resources exploration company has an obligation to implement Community Development Programs (CSR) as a social responsibility to the community in the company work area, then formed a Business Development Institute (LPB) namely Banua Prima Persada (Baprida LPB) to carry out CSR in the mining operations area. The objectives of this research are evaluate the planning conformity with the CSR implementation program, identify problems and problem-solving strategies, and analyze the empowerment strategy of the program sustainability in the community. The design was descriptive qualitative research, held in Simpang Empat Village, Banjar Regency from February – April 2018. The activities are interview, observation and documentation to analysis unit LPB Baprida and its farmers group choosed by snowball sampling. The results show that PT. KCM CSR program formed in community empowerment based on horticultural development has been implemented accordance to the plan. Problems were the lack of companions, the lack of community interest with horticulture, the low number of facilities, the short durability of agricultural products and the damage plant caused of pests threat. The strategies have been applied by PT. KCM are cultivated new agricultural areas, added water facilities/drilled wells, establish cooperation with local and modern markets to market the products, rescheduled of training time, increased the number of companion, optimized existing irrigation facilities with pipeline system, maximized the use of funds for self-made fertilizer, increased community participation in new agricultural areas, training, organic fertilizers, and accelerated the process of delivering well-packaged crops to marketers.


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