Studies in assessment of environmental degradation and tourism in the Karakoram Mountain Ranges using water quality characterization

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Studies in assessment of environmental degradation and tourism in the Karakoram Mountain Ranges using water quality characterization

RehmatKarim, Maisoor Ahmed Nafees, Tika Khan, Muhammad Zafar Khan, SeemaWafi, Shaukat Ali
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 2), 260-267, August 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


This research aims to investigate the relationship between environmental degradation focusing on water pollution in three different tourism spots (Hunza-Nager, Bagrote Valley and Haramosh Valley) highly touristic, medium touristic and low touristic areas respectively in the Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP) area. The potential drinking water sources in the test area were assessed for certain physical parameters (pH, Conductivity, Turbidity, TDS). A diverse range of sources (Streams, springs, Rivers etc.) were taken in to account. The High Turbidity and conductivity speaks of an accelerated melting rate of glaciers which ultimately fed the water sources (Hoper and Haramosh Valley). The open drinking water sources in Haramosh Valley are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic activities as the Total Dissolved Solids are at higher end as compare to other localities. The drinking water sources at medium touristic areas (Bagrote valley) were in accordance with the protected pattern and the spring sources of the villages along the trek to Glaciated region are drinkable water sources to tourists. The crux is to manage the fragile drinking water sources in the high touristic areas within CKNP with proper protection of sources .to make them pollution free for local populace and the tourists.


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