Studies on toxicological responses of the herbicide paraquat dichloride on Monopterus cuchia (Hamilton)

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Studies on toxicological responses of the herbicide paraquat dichloride on Monopterus cuchia (Hamilton)

Manas Das, Khusnuma Ahmed, AnuradhaKalita, Leena Das, Pritimoni Das
Int. J. Biosci.12( 5), 116-132, May 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Paraquat dichloride is considered to be highly toxic in nature and is widely used in India. The present work aimed to investigate the toxicity induced by Paraquat on Monopterus cuchia exposed to the sub-lethal concentrations of 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L respectively. The study was conducted with emphasis on the haematological parameters, antioxidant enzyme assays and histopathology. The total erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration and MCH showed significant reduction, while the total leucocyte count significantly increased by 1.5 fold and 1.83 fold in low and high dose respectively compared to control. The study showed reduction in the activities of superoxide dismutase in liver, kidney and intestine in both the treated groups. However, there was a significant reduction in the activity by 2.98 fold in liver, 2.45 fold in kidney and 1.73 fold in intestine respectively in the high dose compared to control. Significant reduction in the activities of catalase and reduced glutathione in comparison to the control was observed. The catalase activity was reduced by 2.37 fold in the liver, 2.67 fold in the kidney and 3.54 fold in the intestine in the group treated with high dose. However, glutathione-S-transferase activity was found to increase in liver, kidney and intestine with significant increase by 2.28 fold in kidney as compared to control when treated with high dose. Histopathology of liver, kidney and intestine exhibited alterations in structures in treated groups. Thus, the changes observed during the study period establish that Paraquat is highly toxic and thereby its use should be restricted.

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