Studies on various factors affecting female sex pheromone release in Xanthopimpla predator – A pupalparasitoid of tasar silkworm

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Studies on various factors affecting female sex pheromone release in Xanthopimpla predator – A pupalparasitoid of tasar silkworm

Lakshmi Marepally, G. Benarjee
Int. J. Biosci.11( 3), 126-134, September 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Xanthopimpla pedator is a serious pupal parasitoid on tasar cocoons and the infestation has become an increasing problem to sericulture industry. Insecticides are costly, build up large amount of chemicals in the environment and finally disrupt the balance of the ecosystem. Extraction of female sex pheromones and application in mating disruption is an alternative approach to insecticide treatment. The virgin female Xanthopimpla pedator pheromone gland extract activity and factors influencing sex pheromone production were studied under laboratory conditions. Present wind tunnel experiment show that most of the females started calling from thestarting of photo phase (13ng/h). Maximum calling (825ng/h) occurred between the second and fourth hours of the photo phase period (10am to 12 pm).Volatiles were collected in U tube immersed in liquid nitrogen. Gas chromatographic–electroantennogram detection (GC–EAD) analysis of these female extracts indicated the presence of five peaks or five volatile compounds (A,B,C,D,E) to which the male antenna responded. Active response was noted with B volatile. Pheromone production started in one day old female Xanthopimpla (0.6µg/day), reached maximum on 7th day (9.6µg/day) and decreased later as the female Xanthopimpla increased in age. The density of female Xanthopimpla has no impact on total pheromone production. Xanthopimpla held in one, two and five in number had released same quantity of pheromones. Xanthopimpla fed with white sugar syrup has released maximum pheromones(12.5µg/ female/day)followed by honey fed(10.2µg/ female/day) and normal water fed(3.6µg/ female/day).An efficient female pheromone isolation is of importance in mating disruption which helps to develop new control methods for prevention of the infestation in tasar cocoons.


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