Study of the Flora, Life forms and endemic species chorology of Zaygan reserve in Shemiran, Tehran

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Research Paper 01/08/2013
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Study of the Flora, Life forms and endemic species chorology of Zaygan reserve in Shemiran, Tehran

Kimia Pourmoghaddam, Fariba Sharifnia, Younes Asri, Fahimeh Salimpour
J. Bio. Env. Sci.3( 8), 58-63, August 2013.
Certificate: JBES 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Reserves have a basic role in the protection of flora .The Zaygan reserve (40 hectares) located in Qsran roudbar Shemiranat in Tehran province was selected in order to this study. This study has been done in order to introduce flora, identify life-form and geographic distribution of the species in this area. The methods were done by going to nature, identifying and sampling of existing plants. Site characteristics including altitude, address of collecting species, life-form, floristic list, geographical distribution of plants were recorded for each sample. Raunkiar system was used for this study. The results showed that 66 plant species were found and collected in Zaygan reserve that belong to 24 families. Most species belong to Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Rosaceae, Lamiaceae, Brassicaceae, Boraginaceae and Apiaceae with 10, 7, 7, 6, 6, 3, 3 species, respectively. The results showed that life-form of the phanerophytes, Geophytes, Hemicryptophytes, Therophytes, Chamephytes and climbing species were 25%, 24%, 20%, 19%, 10%, and 2% respectively. The geographic distribution of plants in Zaygan indicated 41% of species belong to Irano-Turanian area and the minimum of them (5%) belong to Mediterranean area and the high percentage of Irano-Turanian area indicates that this reserve has a good value of mentioned features.


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