Study of the physicochemical parameters of water and phytoplankton in Lake Tonga (wetland of the national park of El Kala, North East of Algeria)

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Study of the physicochemical parameters of water and phytoplankton in Lake Tonga (wetland of the national park of El Kala, North East of Algeria)

Aicha Djabourabi, Hassen Touati, Nadira Sehili, Mariem Imen Boussadia, Mourad Bensouilah
Int. J. Biosci.11( 3), 205-218, September 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


This work aims to study the impact of the variation of physicochemical parameters on the dynamic of the phytoplankton community on lake Tonga, a wetland of El Kala National Park (Nord east of Algeria).Temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen are measured in situ using a field’s multi parameters; the analysis of the nutrients is carried out by colorimetric method (nitrate with the Aoac method ), the chlorophyll a with the method of Lorenzen and suspended matter with the differential weighing method, the sampling of micro-algae is achieved by a phytoplankton net.All measurements of biotic and abiotic variables showed seasonal variation. The maximum phytoplankton density was recorded in spring (3 million ind/l). Dinoflagellates and diatoms density assessment during the two cycles and in two stations shows that the lowest values are recorded during summer and autumn(200 000ind/l) while the highest ones are detected during winter and spring with about 2 million ind/l. However, cyanobacteria proliferate in autumn and summer season. The spearman coefficient reveals that chlorophyll a is correlatedpositivelywith densities of cyanobacteria and diatoms and dissolved oxygen is negatively correlated with the dinoflagellates density. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) show that the cyanobacteria evolve positively with ammonium and chlorophyll a and that the dinoflagellates follow a negative outcome with the temperature of the water. In Tonga lake the phytoplankton is influenced by changes in the physicochemical parameters of water, hydrodynamic, rhythm of the seasons and climate change.


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