Study of virulence genes in vancomycin resistant Enterococci (vre) from animals and human clinical isolates

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Research Paper 01/01/2021
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Study of virulence genes in vancomycin resistant Enterococci (vre) from animals and human clinical isolates

Mofoluwaso Adedeji Oyinloye, Bondira Olamide Ndagana, Adeola Egbebi, Pius Abimbola Okiki
Int. J. Biosci.18( 1), 1-14, January 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


With Enterococcus species in the leading cause of nosocomial infections and resistance to an array of antibiotics, this study focused to determine the frequency and distribution of vancomycin-resistant Enterococci, the presence of virulence genes and to determine the relative nucleotide sequence relatedness among isolates using 16S rRNA sequence. A random sampling of 120 fecal samples of cattle, poultry, and piggery, and human clinical isolates was analyzed. Standard bacteriological methods were employed in the isolation and characterization of isolates and the disk diffusion method was used in determining their antibiotic resistance profiles. Results showed Enterococcus species in cattle at 100%, followed by clinical isolates at 80%. Vancomycin resistance was observed at high rates in Enterococcus species from human clinical isolates and cattle isolates at 90% and 80% respectively. Multiple antibiotic-resistant isolates yielded twelve resistance profiles and 16S rDNA sequences identified E. faecalis, E. durans, E. mundtii, and Enterococcus sp. Isolates from cattle samples were the most probable source of clinical isolates at 78% homology of conserved regions with the clinical isolates.  Virulence determinant genes Asa1 was recorded at66.6%, Cyl at 16.6% and GelE at 8.3% among the isolates. This study established farm animals as possible reservoirs of VRE isolates to man. Hence, healthy and professional practices among animal farmers with antibiotic usage, as well as hygienic and preventive measures among hospital workers are here recommended.


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