Study on Rangelands Issues and Their Improving Strategies in Muslim Bagh, Killa Saifullah Balochistan, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/10/2019
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Study on Rangelands Issues and Their Improving Strategies in Muslim Bagh, Killa Saifullah Balochistan, Pakistan

Amin Ullah Kakar, Saeed Ur Rehman Kakar, Saad Ullah Khan Laghari, Manzoor Iqbal Khatak, Shahjahan Shabbir Ahmed Rana
Int. J. Biosci.15( 4), 318-329, October 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The main objective of the study was conducted to improve the rangeland plans to regulate the issues regarding rangeland in the study areas. This was accompanied at different sites of Muslim Bagh (Nasai, Kan Mehterzai and Gut Shalizai) district Killa Saifullah. Sampling and data were collected throughout the year 2018 from protected and non-protected areas of the study regions by using different standardized methods.Most of the rangelands in study area was arid and semi-arid climatic. The plant resources of said area were deteriorating rapidly due to overgrazing, elicits cutting of trees for fuel and making housing roofs. Most of the rangelands belong different tribes were totally unprotected. Results indicated that the dominant grass species of the area were Chrysopogon aucheri and Cymbopogon jwarancusa. Total Dry matter production of palatable grasses were found 788.00 kg/ha in protected area, 466.00 kg/ha were in partially grazed area and 49.00 kg/ha were in open area. According to a survey in Muslim Bagh reported about livestock that only 30% sheep and 55% goats were nomadic, and 15% sedentary. Data also indicated that improvement of rangelands is possible with desire of community, provided an integrated approach of range livestock management and improvement can be made on proper grazing management systems, through community participation and cooperation, among different stake-holders.


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