Study on selectivity of fishing gears and it’s effects on fish biodiversity of chalan BEEL in natore district

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Study on selectivity of fishing gears and it’s effects on fish biodiversity of chalan BEEL in natore district

Shakila Jahan, Md. Abu Zafar, Md. Idris Miah, Md. Jasim Uddin, Shankar Majumder
J. Bio. Env. Sci.8( 4), 26-38, April 2016.
Certificate: JBES 2016 [Generate Certificate]


An investigation was conducted to know the present status of fishing gears used and their species selectivity, length selectivity as well as their effects on fish biodiversity of the Chalan beel in Natore district for a period of 6 months from July to December, 2012. Interview schedules were used in collecting data from different upazilas of Chalan beel. A total 27 types of fishing gears were found including 11 types of nets, 5 types of traps, 4 types of wounding gears, 5 types of hooks and lines and 2 types of Fish Attracting Devices. A total of 53 fish species were identified in the catches of different fishing gears used in the Chalan beel. The mode of operation, fishing duration and season, species and length selectivity of different gears for dominant fish species were determined. Considering the species composition and length selectivity of different fishing gears, seine nets, cast net, lift nets, traps were recorded as non-selective gears both for species and size. Among gill nets, Puti jal and Batashi jal; traps like Dohair and Bhair; hooks and lines like Daun borshi were recorded as more or less selective fishing gears. Current jal, hooks and lines were regarded as large species gears while Puti jal, Batashi jal, lift nets were found as small species gears. Considering the detrimental effects of different fishing gears it is suggested to restrict the use of these gears for certain period from July to October for effective management and sustainable production of the Chalan beel.


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