Study on the egg components and fatty acid composition of organic egg and commercially available table eggs obtained from different establishments commonly consumed in Riyadh

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Research Paper 07/08/2024
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Study on the egg components and fatty acid composition of organic egg and commercially available table eggs obtained from different establishments commonly consumed in Riyadh

Nawal A. Albader, Shaista Arzoo, Doha M. Al Nouri, Manal Abdulaziz Binobead, Farah Fayez Alfayez
Int. J. Biosci.25( 2), 172-179, August 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


This study compares the egg components and fatty acid composition of organic eggs and commercially available table eggs commonly consumed in Riyadh. The analysis included weight, cholesterol content, and fatty acid composition determined via gas chromatography. Eggs from minimarkets had the lowest values for weight, yolk percentage, yolk weight, and albumen weight, while hypermarket eggs had the highest, except for albumen, which was highest in supermarket samples. Commercial eggs had higher egg and yolk weights compared to organic eggs, but organic eggs had a higher percentage of albumen. The edible portion was greater in organic eggs, with the order for commercial eggs being hypermarket > supermarket > minimarket. An inverse relationship was observed between yolk cholesterol concentration and egg weight, except for organic eggs. The ω-6 to ω-3 ratio was lowest in hypermarket samples and lowest overall in organic eggs when compared to commercial eggs. Total saturated fatty acids were highest in minimarket eggs, total PUFA and ω-6 were highest in supermarket eggs, and total MUFA and ω-3 were highest in hypermarket eggs. Organic eggs had higher contents of total PUFA, ω-6, ω-3, linoleic acid, and caprylic acid, and a more favorable n-6 to n-3 fatty acid ratio than commercial eggs. Organic eggs contained more n-3 and fewer n-6 fatty acids compared to conventional eggs.


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