Study the relationship between environmental knowledge and environmental values using environmental education

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Research Paper 10/08/2022
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Study the relationship between environmental knowledge and environmental values using environmental education

Aznida A. Alauya-Dica, Wiranya Sutthikun, Feliciana G. Cababat, Johnry P. Dayupay, Long Tam Pham, Oluwadare Joshua Oyebode
J. Bio. Env. Sci.21( 2), 77-85, August 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


In recent years, the issue of global warming has garnered worldwide attention. Promoting environmental education is essential in improving human-environmental literacy and resolving global environmental problems. Increasing emphasis has been made on environmental education and environmental concerns in management education to change people’s attitudes toward the environment by enhancing their environmental knowledge and environmental value. In this scenario, individuals would naturally focus on environmental concerns, adopt environmentally beneficial behaviors, i.e., responsible environmental behaviors, and foster the habit of protecting the environment, especially among the next generation’s environmental knowledge. A total of 370 questionnaires are randomly delivered to students at the Central University of Finance and Economics, with a retrieval rate of 290 valid questionnaires of 90%. The relationships between environmental education and environmental knowledge, environmental knowledge and environmental value, and environmental education and environmental value are strong and beneficial, according to the findings of this study. Environmental education is expected to have an impact on people’s environmental knowledge and environmental value, and it is expected that environmental units would identify particular strategies to increase citizens’ environmentally responsible actions based on these outcomes.


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