Studying the morphological traits of winter barley varieties and lines in Ardabil using multivariate statistical methods

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Research Paper 01/03/2014
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Studying the morphological traits of winter barley varieties and lines in Ardabil using multivariate statistical methods

Ali Kasraei, Ali Akbar Imani, Marefat Ghasemi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 3), 309-318, March 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


We conducted an experiment at Agricultural Research and Natural Resources station located in east 10 km from Ardabil (Aralloo region) in 2012-2013 to study the morphological traits of few winter barley varieties and lines. In this research 8 promising varieties and lines of barley were culture in a complete random block design with three replications, and the following traits were measured; number of whole tiller, number of fertile, plant height, awn length, peduncle length, spike, spikelet number spike, grain number per spike, 1000 grain weight, grain weight per spike, grain weight per whole plant, straw weight, grain at experimental plot (6 square meters to gram), harvest index, day number to 50% heading and Date of maturity, the result from variance analysis of measured traits showed that there was a significant difference in 5% and 1% probable level between studied lines except for whole tiller number, fertile tiller number, grain weight per spike, grain weight per whole plant, straw weight, whole plant weight and yield in other traits. This comes from high genetic diversity between studied lines. The modified coefficient of determination was 0.86 in fitted model showing 86% justification of changes within seed. Yield by indicated variables. The first included variable in to the model was harvest index, the second variable day to physiological maturity and finally determination coefficient of model was 0.86 with inclusion of spike length. The maximum regression coefficient was related to harvest index and regression coefficient of harvest index was positive and regression coefficient day to physiological maturity and spike length was negative. So harvest index can be considered as effective trait on grain yield. The results from causation analysis showed that harvest index has a higher and direct effect (0.613) on grain yield and the positive correlation coefficient 0.54 between harvest index and grain yield was mainly relation to the direct effect of harvest index and the indirect effects have less important role on yield. Also day to physiological maturity and spike length have negative and direct effect.


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