Support services provided to top rice producing farmers in irrigated ecosystem in Cagayan Province

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Research Paper 01/11/2020
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Support services provided to top rice producing farmers in irrigated ecosystem in Cagayan Province

Josie Y Bas-ong
Int. J. Biosci.17( 5), 217-224, November 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


This research study on the support services provided to top rice-producing farmers in the irrigated ecosystem in Cagayan province meant in determining the effectiveness of support services provided to rice farmers. This research study made use of a descriptive design. It was conducted in the seven barangays taken from three municipalities identified as the consistent top rice-producing municipalities and barangays in Cagayan Province in the past five (5) years who are tilling irrigated farms. The study results revealed that the top producing irrigated rice farmers in Cagayan province are in their middle age, males and all attended formal schooling with five members of the family. Farmer respondents have been in farming for more than two decades. They own the land they till with an average of 2.64 hectares and generate a yield of 4.2 tons and 3.7 tons during the dry and wet season. Most of the farmers availed the services of the National Irrigation Administration where they declared as very sufficient. The irrigated rice farmer respondents have received support services like; technical and farm inputs, training, IEC materials from the Department of Agriculture Region 02, Local Government Units, and Farmer-Led Extensionist. They also received technical assistance Moreover, respondents attended various trainings pertaining to rice production offered in their respective municipalities and barangays by government agencies. On the other hand, the different support service providers’ extension modalities were assessed as effective, fair and not effective to few.

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