Survey rain-fed wheat compatibility with Kermanshah climate

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Research Paper 01/08/2014
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Survey rain-fed wheat compatibility with Kermanshah climate

Behzad Sani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 2), 237-243, August 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


At present human’s nutritional security has been threatened by population growth and people have tended to preserve their own food security by means of modern sciences and techniques and tried to improve it better more than ever. Among the effective factors on production of agricultural products, climatic conditions are considered as the paramount variables. Lack of paying attention to climatological capabilities of various regions and traditional cultivations of farming crops may cause lower and very fluctuating efficiency and even destroying farming products during several years. In the current investigation, evaporation and transpiration potential were also estimated by means of FAO’s Penman Montieth evapotranspiration estimation method and Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) technique by climatic elements (min-max temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and radiation) during at least 20years statistical period regarding wheat phenological conditions in Kermanshah Province. Likewise in the following, DOP maps for cultivation of dry- farmed wheat were zoned by the aid of functions of GIS software. The acquired results from this survey indicated that the minimum water requirement has belonged to West Eslamabad substation (352.2mm) during growth season of wheat crop while the maximum rate was ascribed to Sarpolzahab and Kermanshah substations (respectively, 388.5mm and 383.3mm). It is also inferred from zoning maps this fact that most of regions in this province, particularly, Northern, Center, and Northeast regions of province are under appropriate conditions to cultivate this crop and there is no restraint for them in this regard.


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