Sustainable production of new released wheat cultivars by using urea plus nitragin as a biofertilizer

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Research Paper 01/06/2013
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Sustainable production of new released wheat cultivars by using urea plus nitragin as a biofertilizer

Bahram Mirshekari, Sahar Baser Kouchebagh
Int. J. Biosci.3( 6), 38-44, June 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


In order to improvement of nitrogen use efficiency in two winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars using chemical nitrogen and biofertilizer an experiment was conducted with nitrogen rate (0, 33, 67, 100 kg ha-1 urea), seed biofertilization with nitragin and wheat cultivars (Kascogen and Agusta). Results showed that with increasing of urea application number of fertile tillers per plant improved. In biofertilized seeds thousand seed weight of wheat cultivars was reduced up to 3.8 g. Kascogen produced 19.5% higher yield than Agusta. Seed biofertilization increased grain yield of wheat up to 14% and 6% in Kascogen and Agusta, respectively, compared with control. In those treatments that seeds were sown after biofertilization, yield improved at lower urea rates. Increasing of urea application from 67% to 100% of recommended dose was caused a reduction of 91 and 70 kg ha-1 in yield of studied cultivars, while, in non-biofertilized seeds application of full dose of urea improved yield up to 125 and 99 kg ha-1, respectively in cultivars. Biofertilization could increase harvest index of wheat from 37% to 39.8%. In experiment environmental condition using seed biofertilization before sowing wheat farmers can improve yield of wheat, reduce urea application up to 33% of recommended dose and improve nitrogen use efficiency.

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