Open Access Research Paper Views (399) Download (44) Detection and modeling of seismic sources in a wide range of operational stations of oil-rich regions adjacent to the residential zones of Ahvaz Metropolitan using erdas imagine sofware Mohammad Soleymani, Mehdi Mahdavi Adeli J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 4), 461-466, April 2015. Key: ComponentEarthquakeEdras imagineModelingOil-rich areasSeismic sources Details
Open Access Research Paper Views (335) Download (17) Optimal site selection for temporary housing after an earthquake in urban areas using multiple criteria decision making methods and GIS (a case study of municipal district 6, Tehran metropolis) Faramarz Hadavi, Mehdi Zamani, Mostafa movasati, Kamal koohgard, Mohammadreza Hadavi J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 1), 6-13, July 2014. Key: EarthquakeGeographic Information SystemMunicipal District No.6 of Tehran metropolisTemporary housing Details