Targeted accumulation of some heavy metals in Liver, Kidney, Gills and Muscles of Labeo calbasu inhibiting the freshwater riverine system

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Research Paper 01/02/2021
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Targeted accumulation of some heavy metals in Liver, Kidney, Gills and Muscles of Labeo calbasu inhibiting the freshwater riverine system

Shabbir Ahmad, Kamran Jafar, Muhammad Saleem Khan, Muhammad Wajid, Ahmad Waheed, Muhammad Waseem Aslam, Azam Khan, Ali Nawaz
Int. J. Biosci.18( 2), 11-19, February 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Riverine water is continuously polluted due to release of domestic and industrial wastes. Among them heavy metals pollution is major issue in aquatic habitats which cause toxicity to animal models. In present study, some heavy metals viz; copper, nickel, cadmium, chromium, lead and iron were recorded in water, sediments and organs of Labeo calbasu of canals system in Punjab Pakistan. Physiochemical parameters of water were also studied. Average values of temperature, pH, total hardness, DO, TDS, turbidity, BOD, alkalinity and conductivity were 15.26 ± 0.22 °C, 8.47 ± 0.45, 149.52 ± 10.00 mg/L, 3.08 ± 0.38, 232.10 ± 20.05, 45.44 ± 2.16 NTU, 2.46 ± 0.28 mg/L, 399.26-127.22 mg/L and 290.20±15.05 μScm−1 respectively. The level of metals in water was Pb > Cd > Fe > Cr > Ni > Cu and Pb > Ni > Cd > Fe > Cu > Cr in sediments. Significantly higher level of all metals was recorded in running water as compared to bank water. In fish organs, liver had higher level of metals followed by gills, kidney and muscle. The accumulation pattern of metals was Fe > Pb > Ni > Cu> Cr > Cd in all organs. Further, higher value of ALP and ASP value showed damaging effects of water pollution in fish organs. This study concluded that Pb level was highest in canal system of Punjab. Liver showed higher accumulation of all metals compared to other organs.

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