Targeting dopamine liposome to brain using polysorbate 80 for parkinson disease

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Research Paper 01/11/2015
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Targeting dopamine liposome to brain using polysorbate 80 for parkinson disease

I. Sarath Chandran, Pichandy Muthu Prasanna
Int. J. Biosci.7( 5), 107-115, November 2015.
Certificate: IJB 2015 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of the present study was to prepare and evaluate Dopamine (Dp) liposome using polysorbate 80 (PS80) which enabled the targeted delivery of drug across Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) in the effective treatment of Parkinson disease as L dopa drug conventionally used for Parkinson’s disease produces “wearing off” adverse reactions. Dp loaded liposome were prepared with various concentration of PS80 by Reverse Phase Evaporation technique. The formation of liposome was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The drug and the excipient compatibility was analysed by FTIR, DSC and XRD studies. FTIR indicated that there was no loss in chemical integrity of the drug upon fabrication into liposome. DSC and XRD results demonstrated that the drug was changed from the crystalline form to the amorphous form in the formulation. Among all the formulations, LSP4 showed higher Entrapment efficiency (EE) of 68% and increases the animal locomotion in psychopharmacological study (18.3%). Dp Liposomal formulation LSP4 could be a choice for dopamine delivery directly to brain for Parkinson treatment alternative to conventional use of L dopa thus preventing “wearing of effect.


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