Taxonomic Studies on the Family Solanaceae in the Rajshahi University Campus

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Research Paper 01/08/2011
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Taxonomic Studies on the Family Solanaceae in the Rajshahi University Campus

Tanziman Ara, Emdadul Hoque Khokan, AHM Mahbubur Rahman
J. Bio. Env. Sci.1( 4), 29-34, August 2011.
Certificate: JBES 2011 [Generate Certificate]


Taxonomic investigation of the family solanaceae growing through out the Rajshahi University campus was carried out. A total of 8 (eight) species under 4 (four) genera of the family Solanaceae were collected and identified by comparing with correctely identified herbarium sheets deposited at Rajshahi University Herbarium and checking with taxonomic literature ( khan and Mia, 2002). A complete taxonomic account of each species is given with current nomenclature, local name, Chromosome number, flowering season and uses. Most of the species are distributed all over the study area, (a) Solanum nigrum, (b) Solanum spirale, (c) Solanum indicum,(d) Solanum xanthocarpum, (e) Solanum torvum, (f) Datura metel, (g) Physalis minima, (h) Nicotiana plumbaginifolia. Datura metel which is bothcultivated and wild in nature grown in particular area.


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