Tetraploid monogerm lines as maternal components of sugar beet hybrids

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Research Paper 01/05/2016
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Tetraploid monogerm lines as maternal components of sugar beet hybrids

Georgi Kikindonov, Stanimir Enchev
Int. J. Biosci.8( 5), 212-218, May 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Tetraploid monogerm lines of sugar beet with pollen sterility and their hybrid combinations with diploid multigerm pollinators are the object of the present study. Data received for the sterility of the lines and the percentage of the hybrids in their progeny confirm the thesis, that almost a full hybridization is obtained in this type of crosses, even in cases of partial pollen sterility of the female components. This is due to the higher fertilization ability of the pollinators’ haploid pollen. The lower germination of the seeds formed on the tetraploid male-sterile components, is consequence of the growth of the pericarp, containing substances – inhibitors of the germination. The high germination levels of the tested crosses prove that by means of some breeding methods this basic disadvantage of the monogerm tetraploids in hybridization could be overcome. In the field tests the hybrid combinations of the tested tetraploid monogerm male steriles demonstrate significantly higher sugar content and output than the Standard of certified varieties. The high relative values of the white sugar yield from the hybrid combinations are indicative for the good combining ability of the studied tetraploid lines. This proves the expedience of tetraploid monogerm male steriles use in the sugar beet hybrid breeding. apply half of conventional consumption of chemical fertilizers along with Azotobacter and Pseudomonas.


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