The application of new breeding strategy for tolerance to drought, resistance to Hessian fly, resistance to rust and end-use quality of protein content in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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Research Paper 01/11/2015
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The application of new breeding strategy for tolerance to drought, resistance to Hessian fly, resistance to rust and end-use quality of protein content in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Lanouari Sanâa, El Haddoury Jamal, Udupa Sripada Mahabala, Henkrar Fatima, Nasser Boubker, Bencharki Bouchaib
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.7( 5), 72-87, November 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Genetic diversity in crop specie is essential to breed buffered genotypes capable to withstand under biotic and abiotic stress conditions. An approach called genotypic selection based on the widespread conventional selection with the use of information of the molecular markers can facilitate breeding strategy by providing effective achievement of biotic stress resistance reducing in mean time generation interval and investments in ecological-friendly crop production is reviewed. Also the phenotypic selection is an important step in breeding programs, and genetic variability increases the chances of obtaining variance in progenies. In this study, we present a practical validation of the breeding strategy to produce bread wheat lines derived from a three elite cultivar with superior dough properties and durable rust resistance. Molecular markers were used to screen a double hybrid population produced from a cross between the three varieties of bread wheat considered as donor parents: Dharwar, Annuello and Stylet crossed with six varieties considered as recurrent parents: Achtar, Aguilal, Merchouch, Baraka, Salama and Amal. Following the phenotypic selection was applied for the doubled haploid plants to select new genotypes for rust resistance, Hessian fly resistance, drought tolerance and grain protein content.


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