The baseline inventory of the plant biodiversity of central karakorum national park Gilgit-Baltistan (District Hunza Nagar) Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/08/2014
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The baseline inventory of the plant biodiversity of central karakorum national park Gilgit-Baltistan (District Hunza Nagar) Pakistan

Sujjad Haider, Surayya Khatoon, Shaukat Ali, Muahmmad Akbar,Nasiba Ibrahim, Ehsan Ali
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 2), 413-419, August 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The baseline study of the flora of Central Karakorum National Park (CKNP) was carried out by field’s trips conduct in the different seasons of the years. The study area was thoroughly surveyed throughout the year to ensure the collection of maximum diversity. The current study focus to the flowering biodiversity exists in the study area. For this purpose we collected the plant specimen from different localities of CKNP, Which give us total number of plant species, genera and plant families. The collected specimen consist of (200) plant species which belongs to 102 genera and 34 families. During the plant collection along the inventorying we observed the distribution of taxa and their dominance in the existing flora. The prime aim of this research is to provide the inclusive scientific inventory of existing flora of CKNP and define the dominant families and genera of the study area.


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