The brine shrimp toxicity of the philippine marine sponges Axinyssa sp., Plocamionida sp., Forcepia sp., Pachymatisma sp., and Placospongia sp.

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Research Paper 01/03/2019
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The brine shrimp toxicity of the philippine marine sponges Axinyssa sp., Plocamionida sp., Forcepia sp., Pachymatisma sp., and Placospongia sp.

Sari Rose S. Murcia, Ephrime B. Metillo, Mylene M. Uy
Int. J. Biosci.14( 3), 30-34, March 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Marine sponges have been considered as a gold mine with respect to the diversity of their secondary metabolites and biological activities. Five marine sponges were collected off Agusan del Norte, Philippines and taxonomically identified as Axinyssa sp., Plocamionida sp., Forcepia sp., Pachymatisma sp., and Placospongia sp.  Nonpolar and polar extracts of the marine sponges were prepared by sequential partitioning of their freeze-dried samples with 1:1 ethyl acetate-methanol and 1:1 ethanol-water, respectively.  The toxicity of the sponge extracts was evaluated against the brine shrimp Artemia salina after six (6) and twenty-four (24) hours exposure to indicate acute and chronic toxicity, respectively. The results indicated significant brine shrimp toxicity for most of the marine sponge extracts. The highest potencies were exhibited by the nonpolar and polar extracts of Forcepia sp. (acute LC50 = 22.24 g/mL; chronic LC50 = 3.98 g/mL), the polar extract of Axinyssa sp. (chronic LC50 = 17.90 g/mL), and the polar extract of Placospongia sp. (chronic LC50 = 4.48 g/mL). Accordingly, these active sponge extracts are worthy of further investigation for the isolation and determination of potential anti-tumor and pesticidal compounds.

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