The development of new cities on environmental impact assessment

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Research Paper 01/07/2014
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The development of new cities on environmental impact assessment

Kourosh Mojavery Samak, Reza Kakvan, Behnam Ghanami, Shaghayegh DelfanAzari
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 1), 638-646, July 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Environment effects evaluation can be used by planners and urban development managers as a tool for recognition survey and comparison of different urban development effects. the suitable effect evaluation method for this kind of development Ulrich includes a variety of activities is an Iranian Leopold matrix that measures each activitys effect on different environment components and gives it a number between -5 (very bad or destructive) and +5 (very good or useful). The most important negative effects of New Cities in construction level considering its location and environmental specification are changing the natural land shape changing the valleys morphology changing the natural hydrology system plant and animal settlement destruction and cutting the animal immigrative paths. In population habitancy level the most important effects on spate behaviours changing the animal food and immigration. The most important solution for reducing the mentioned problems in construction level are to obey the natural land shape prevention of extra land preparation minimum change in land preventing a long operation level and in population settlement level traffic management. Appropriated disposd sewerage network development keeping natural immigration paths making urban green spaces and a kind of jungle belt to restrict the illegal development.


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